My snoop shopping trip |
Last week I gave you some guideline
for choosing sweater patterns to flatter your figure. Why? Because
after investing your time and money in a hand knit sweater, you should be happy
thrilled with the results. But, these
guidelines are theoretical until you actually test them on you. And, the fastest and cheapest way to do that
is with . . .
snoop shopping.
You are going to hit the stores, but
leave your wallet at home. The goal is
to try on all kinds of styles and test the rules. Pick sweaters you think will be flattering
AND sweaters you think will be awful –
you might be surprised.
So, where should I snoop shop? Department stores have lots of variety, which
cuts down on the number of trips to the dressing room. Or, you can go to a shop where you know you
like the styles, although that may limit your opportunities to explore new
options. I recommend that you be
aspirational and snoop even where you can’t afford to buy. Why snoop shop at the Gap when you can buy a
sweater there for less than the price of the yarn. Too depressing! If you do shop at a higer end store, dress nicely
for good service. Shopping on a good
hair day and putting on a little make-up (if you wear it) will also take the
focus off you and on the sweaters.
What do you need to bring to the
Camera / Cell phone
Measuring tape
check tool
and pencil
What do you need to wear to the store?
A good bra
If you need a new one, that should be your first
stop at the mall
With the girls boosted up into place, you will
look slimmer
Thin camisole or tank top
If you are trying on bottoms along with sweaters
. . .
Shoes that slip on and off easily
When you arrive to shop, grab all
kinds of sweaters to try. And, try other
garments for their style lines.
Sweatshirts are great as a test, because their weight simulates a
knitted fabric. Once you find a style
you like, take photos of you wearing the sweater:
front and back views
special details
pattern stitches
Also capture the garment tag
information – especially the fiber content.
If you are trying on a sweater, check the gauge.
The paper and pencil were optional tools for you to bring because you can capture sizing information with your camera. Take a large photo to see what is being measured and then zoom in close to read the tape measure.
When you get home, relax and put your
feet up. Look at your photos. I’ve found it’s much easier for me to be
objective looking at a photo than in a mirror.
Hopefully you found some sweaters that made you feel good – and followed
the guidelines. Note any trends in your
preferences, so that you can then use those to highlight in future Ravelry
pattern searches.
One last bit of work is remaining, and
it is math. Simple math. An important component of your happiness in a
sweater is its ease. Ease is the
difference between your body measurement and the garment’s measurement. More ease gives you a baggy, relaxing fit,
and less ease (even negative ease) will give you a Hollywood starlet
va-va-va-voom fit. To calculate ease,
subtract your measurement from the sweater’s measurement. Ease is usually calculated at the bust, but
can also be a factor at the hip or upper arm.
The amount of ease will change based on the gauge of the sweater. Bulkier knits need more and finer knits less,
so be sure to note that.
Now you’ve got lots of information on
the design details which flatter your body, and the amount of ease you like in
your garments. Take this to Ravelry and
start the hunt for your perfect sweater.