The second yarn bomb was closer to my heart and home. Mary, the owner of Knitch, the LYS where our Wednesday group meets, watched the busyness of the free clinic bomb and mused that she would really like to cover the bench outside the shop. I replied that I was awfully busy at the moment, but maybe in a month or so . . . . and then my wheels began spinning. A full yarn bomb would be a wonderful way for us to thank Mary for her generous gift of meeting time and space. And when her staffer, Sally, suggested that we incorporate the yarn bomb into Knitch's tenth anniversary celebration, it was a done deal.
Everyone in both the Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening groups contributed a bit of knitting or crochet. Some, like Sue, Katie and Linda, contributed a lot. And the Thursday night group lent some muscle to both assembling and installing out bomb. We covered not only the seat, back and arms of the bench, but the stair railings and building front. My favorite contribution is the crocheted banner running below the windows.
Surprisingly, we managed to keep this a surprise, and Mary was thrilled. Now we need to remember to take it down before the first freezing rain of winter . . .